Effective January 1, 2023, Calibre Computer Solutions is now Ruesch Consulting

What happened?
At the end of 2022, Scott Ruesch, our former Director of Service Operations, purchased Calibre under his company, Ruesch Consulting, to be able to better service our clients and expand our service offerings

Will I still be able to receive service?
Yes! Ruesch Consulting will service all current and past customers of Calibre without any interruption to you. You may visit their website at rueschconsulting.com, email them at [email protected], or call them at (812) 215-8900.

What will change?
Absolutely nothing! We still provide the same great service you've come to know and expect, just with a new name. Additionally, our antivirus, data backup, and hosted email services all remain in service and constantly monitored just as we always have